Hello users of the World Wide Web,

We suppose an introduction would go a long way, so heres a little bit about us and what we plan to learn and discover with you along the way.

10959304_526549284153817_623967591000596924_nWe are Sam and Hollie, 19 and 18 years of age, living just outside of London, England.Β We’ve been together a year and a half, and recently we’ve become bored of the same old lifestyle, wake up, go to work, come home, see one another, eat food, watch a film, eat more food, watch more films, then fall asleep. Sound fun? No, you’re right. Which is why we have decided to make a change, as young people, we both aspire to travelling the world and exploring whats out there.

That being said, we plan to share our past experiences and what is to come, through sharing pictures, posts, reviews and videos.

P.S. stay tuned as our first real post will be uploaded by tomorrow night.


10 thoughts on “BLOG POST #1 WELCOME

  1. Nice post. You both are looking great. Good ambition. Good luck for your new goal and I hope you enjoyed your adventure. Share your thrilling stories with me.

    I like to knowing about you.
    Keep travelling…blogging…. vlogging….. stay tuned…. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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